Workshops, Retreats and Seasonal Attunements

Seasonal Attunements

Change is the only certainty. The forgotten knowledge that we are part of Nature – just as Nature does, we recalibrate and align to the seasons, by adapting our daily habits, yoga practice and food choices.

The Seasonal Alignments are 5 days of early morning practice to begin the day with this new mindset and body wisdom for each phase of the cycle of the year.

Autumn Alignment: Letting Go, Receiving in.. the Alchemy of Autumn With Sam Hillier

Autumn is the season of giving, letting go, receiving and transformation.


The equanimity of the season asks us to not keep forging ahead, but tend to our life force, tend to the connections that matter in our lives, release that no longer serves us.


We refine our energy – it is the alchemic time where from air we transform through ourselves the diamond essence of who we are.


To allow this transformation to occur, there needs to be space… Autumn is the time of year to start letting go of what no longer supports us, on all levels, preparing our bodies and minds for the coming winter.


It is time to strengthen our gut function, lungs and improve our immune system with clear and protective boundaries.


Improving these functions will assist us with better absorption of essential vitamins and minerals, better elimination of impurities, clear skin, clarity of mind, and optimism.


As endless research shows 70-80% of our immune system resides in our gastro-instestinal tract; therefore, a healthier gut means a stronger, resilient immune system, our first line of defence against any undesirable intruders, including colds and flus’.


Our weeklong recalibration to the Autumn times involves yoga, pranayama and awareness that will leave you feeling energized and inspired, grounded and nourished.

Winter Attunement: Winter Wellness and Stillness With Sam Hillier

Winter is associated with the Kidney organs and the elemental energy of Water. The Kidneys hold our reserves of energy and potential, like our internal batteries and require careful nurturing. Recalibrate and restore your nervous and endocrine systems, strengthen and warm your bones; reconnect with the inner stillness and peace within you. Warm the soul, your toes and fingers.

Water is effortless by nature – it will always find its way to the deepest source

This week you will feel strength and balance in your physical structure, courage to move forward with ease; and willpower to bring forward into action the true essence of who you are. Along with this sense of comfort within the defines of your body, is stillness within – inviting you to the journey to your deepest source of being.

Date & Time:
  • 6.30 – 7.30am
  • Mon July 11th – Friday 15th July, 2022
  • Location: Online

Spring Attunement: Spring Vision and Purpose With Sam Hillier

Spring is the quintessential time of creating, cleansing, activity and movement, growth, and renewal. Be open and ready for new possibilities and revival to your physical body and soul. Flexibility and strength are required in our joints and tendons; our immune systems; our minds – for creative and adapatable responses.

This early morning programme will create awesome joint mobility and strength, lengthen out the muscles from the heaviness of winter, create flexibility in your body and mind, feel free and open to the energy of Spring, and move with direction and positivity towards your visions and dreams.

Date & Time:

  • 6.00 – 7.00am
  • Mon 26th Sept – Fri 30th Sept, 2022
  • Location: Online
  • Price 1 (Early-bird): $110
  • Price 2 (Full Price): $130

Summer Attunement: Summer – Setting the Body and Heart-Mind Free With Sam Hillier

Summer is Fire Energy. From the heat of our Sun, long light-filled days and energised bodies comes – Expansion, Spontaneity, Expression, Compassion, Silliness, Joy and Freedom of the expression of our Hearts.


Explore movement, breath, sound and stillness to feel the spark and quiet joy of the most expansive yang time of the year.


Our early morning practice will strengthen, open and free the upper body; release neck and shoulder tension; ignite power in your core – creating a radiant and free mind and the delight of connection with our inner worlds and the world around us.

Date & Time:

  • 6:00 – 7:00am

  • Mon 6th December – Fri 10th December, 2022

  • Location:

Autumn Alignment: Letting Go, Receiving in - the Alchemy of Autumn With Sam Hillier

Autumn is the season of giving, letting go, receiving and transformation.


The equanimity of the season asks us to not keep forging ahead, but tend to our life force, tend to the connections that matter in our lives, release that no longer serves us.


We refine our energy – it is the alchemic time where from air we transform through ourselves the diamond essence of who we are.


To allow this transformation to occur, there needs to be space… Autumn is the time of year to start letting go of what no longer supports us, on all levels, preparing our bodies and minds for the coming winter.


It is time to strengthen our gut function, lungs and improve our immune system with clear and protective boundaries.


Improving these functions will assist us with better absorption of essential vitamins and minerals, better elimination of impurities, clear skin, clarity of mind, and optimism.


As endless research shows 70-80% of our immune system resides in our gastro-instestinal tract; therefore, a healthier gut means a stronger, resilient immune system, our first line of defence against any undesirable intruders, including colds and flus’.


Our weeklong recalibration to the Autumn times involves yoga, pranayama and awareness that will leave you feeling energised and inspired, grounded and nourished.

Date & Time:

  • Date 1: TBC May 2023
  • Location: On line
  • Price 1 (Early-bird): $110
  • Price 2 (Full Price): $130